Submitted by Eclipse
Create a story that ends with character saying “I’m not a traitor. I was never on your side.”
She’s no longer lying there
Like a crucifix
Ready to sacrifice herself for your sins
Sins you don’t think you’re committing
Because men cannot sin
Woman holds the curse of being the sinner
Betrayer of a god
Betrayer of man
Cursed and punished for eternity
By the shackles in our mind
To always take h(H)is side
To stand by and defend
That’s a “good” woman’s role
No matter the cost to her
One day enough is enough
One day she falls out of love
Inner strength becomes overwhelming
Self love and respect abundant
A clean slate with a chance to have more
And not to beg
Not to lose her identity
Not to relinquish control
But to obtain control
Control of her mind, body, and soul
He will think she’s a traitor
In picking sides she chose her own
I’m not a traitor
I was never on your side.