Don’t Walk Home Alone

You remember what happened last time. We found you just in time. You nearly died. That can’t happen again.

What good can come from being out there and trying to meet people? You can meet people online, check them out before you see them. You can meet up with friends and stay in a group.

But when you’re by yourself, they target you. They follow you. They come down from their perches and trail your footsteps. They sniff you and try and get as close as they can.

When we show up we scare them off, but when you’re by yourself you’re the one who’s scared. They feed off emotions like fear. They try and drag you back for their caves to torture you so that they can live long enough to have more victims.

Why do you insist on going out there? We need to protect you. There’s nothing and no one good in the world who lives outside this house, only evil and destruction.

Who did you meet? What romance or relationship could be worth this risk? I can guarantee, when you’re dead or worse, you won’t be thinking about that girl and anything she could offer you. You’ll be screaming and crying and we’ll be frantic, we’ll be devastated. It’s not worth it, it couldn’t be.

I’m going to get your brother and meet you at the school. It’s the only way. I’ll talk to your teacher, we can stay on top of this. You’re my boy and I can’t lose you.

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