Everyone is born with a best friend – you, however, have yet to find the mark indicating who yours is.

How does this character feel about being without their other half, and what will they do about it?

Compatibility Without Companions

Everyone knew who their best friend was. Except for me. I was driven insane with the thought of being alone. I was nice, had good grades, and helped everyone whenever I could. Yet, somehow I was the only person who hadn’t gotten their friendship marks. Everyone got 3 marks. One of them was on the wrist of your dominant hand. It represented your best friends interest, like sports and other extracurriculares. The second mark was on the left side of your neck. It represented your compatibility with your best friend. Often, the people who became best friends weren’t compatible yet, but over time they would grow and change together. A full heart meant you are compatible, a half heart meant not compatible yet. The third and final mark was on the tip of your pointer finger, which had their initials. Once you knew their initials, fate was destined to lead you to them. I never knew anyone who didn’t know their best friend by the time they were 15. I was now 16, with zero marks, and zero hope.
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