by Sans @

Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".

When I Look In The Mirror

It starts again, life, friendships, jobs, relationships, pain, fire, death. Life starts over like it does every time. Sitting in a deep dark hole in a head that isn’t mine anymore. I begged for my life, I begged not to die. Face to face with satan himself, I begged. He gave me “mercy”, that’s what he told me, what he keeps telling me. But this is worse than any fate hell could have bestowed upon me. Begged not to die, he gave me “life” in exchange for my soul. Every horrifying, horrible, disgusting event was my fault, our fault. Every event we have been behind, whispering to people in the shadows, altering the course of history. Making sure everything goes his way. My body his vessel to walk like humans, talk like humans, but nothing about us is actually human. Lucifer himself influencing every horrible event. Killing as many people as he can, so he has more fun in the afterlife. All I feel is pain, I have no control, I sold my soul. I don’t even know what I look like cause all I see is the devil. I can only watch in horror as we commit horrific acts, as we cause horrible events. As we kill for power, as we lie for power, rip it from whoever we can, claw to the top. Only to hide in the shadows and influence the villains of the story. Never stoped by death, we have died a hundred times, painful horrible deaths. Just to be brought back to do it all again. Every time I look in the mirror all I see are the red glowing eyes of satan who controls my soul.
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