Salt, salt is all I taste as water fills my mouth. Salt, as water fills my lungs. Fire is all I smell as water fills my nose. Burning, pain as it forces its way up my nose. Cold is all I feel, freezing unyielding cold. Cold crushing my body. So cold I feel nothing. All I see is complete and total black. Dark, so dark I can’t tell if my eyes are closed or open. Yet I can still see the movements of terrifying things around me. Roaring rushing so loud in my ear. Rushing, roaring, moving, water. Pulling, yanking, dragging me down. Moving down, down, down, but is it down or is it up. Which way am I facing, moving I can no longer tell. Everything is melting together, salt, fire, cold, darkness, rushing, roaring, moving, down up, left, right. Then silence, stillness, no cold, no salt, no pain, just the deep.