You are about to give a speech at a major event and see your judgmental ex in the audience.

Convey the character's inner turmoil and emotional response. How do they master themselves and continue with their important speech?


1. Int Gainbridge Fieldhouse press conference room Day

I’m now seated in chair and about ready to answer some questions. There shouldn’t be too many people watching. Shouldn’t be too bad. This will be the hardest thing I have to do. And there’s not too many people here anyways.



Nows the time. From watching the pacers when I was still learning to dribble a basketball to now being an assistant coach. I’ve spent most of my life trying to do something with basketball. Of course I wanted to be a player at first, but that didn’t pane out. Then I tried going into business just to make some money but I didn’t care for it. I wanted to be involved in basketball. I still craved it. So I started working. Working on studying basketball over playing it as much. My grades throughout school might suggest a little too much studying of the wrong thing but it’s paid off. My whole life has been basketball. And it’s going to contribute to be about basketball.

I look out at the ten or so reporters that have come to see the new addition to the legendary Indiana Pacers. I scan the room to look for any familiar faces but don…. Wait.

Coach Carlile

Hi everyone. I’m here to welcome the newest member of the pacers coaching staff, Shawn Williams. We’re all very glad that he is going to be a part of this team and help our guys play the right way. So, let’s get things started. Ask away.

The hands of the reporters raise in unison, all wanting to ask a question. But I think I see someone I know. Someone that I never really wanted to see ever again. Might as well get it over with. I point towards the women in the second row. Hair as black as an empty void. Skin that looks as clean and smooth as an Angel. A smile that’s deceptively welcoming. Dressed in all black. As if she was the grim reaper. Fitting.


Black hair, second row.


Hi Shawn. Congratulations on joining the pacers. Why do you think the pacers organization trust that you will give them your full attention and ignore all of your loved ones? Will you truly be fully committed to the team? That would be a first. And do they know about how awful of a human being you are?

Coach Carlile

EXCUSE me?!?!


I’m sorry sir but the question wasn’t for you, it was for Shawn.


Well, um.. what is your name again?


I think you know.

Why the fuck is she here? She went through the trouble of pretending to be apart of the press just to fuck with me!?!?! No, I need to keep my cool. Don’t let her get to you Shawn.


That’s right Michelle. I know you.

Security began to go over to her to remove her from the event and bring some order.


She’s alright guys. I’ll answer the question.

Coach Carlile

You don’t have to and it’s probably best if you don’t.

He’s probably right. But now is an opportunity for growth and to finally be done with her. I can’t let her mess up my life anymore. I have to stand my ground, stay calm, and be smart and honest.


It’s alright coach. Thank you. But I can answer her question.

Coach doesn’t seem thrilled that I’m engaging these ludicrous questions but I’m not going to just back down and let her ruin this day for me.


So your question was about commitment? And you mentioned that I was a bad person? So let’s just go right at it then. Just for context for everyone else in the room and everyone watching, the women who asked the questions just now is an ex of mine. Things didn’t work out. And it’s as simple as that. But she seems to want me to explain myself more, or she just wanted to ruin this day for me out of spite. So, commitment. I was committed to basketball first and I apologize for that. I wasn’t ready for a relationship at the time but I got into one anyways. I’m sorry. I’ve said sorry many times and here I am saying it again. I had more focus on basketball then YOU. You were great to me for a while but you ended up being done with me and I understand that. But, what we’re you striving for? We’re you committed to anything else other than me? Because you should have been. Something. ANYTHING. You weren’t striving for anything. You just became my girlfriend and wanted me to only think about and be around you. So, I’m sorry, again, but I actually wanted to do something in my life. So I put in the work and had a lot of focus on basketball. And it’s led me here to this day. I’m now a part of the Pacers. We could have worked out if you resized that this was my dream and dreams take time and they take hard work….so, sorry I was striving for something.

….the room was silent, and thankfully, so was she.

Coach Carlile

Alright. I think we’re just gonna take one minute to compose ourselves and get back into the swing of things. Then we will be ready for more questions. Just one minute.


I’m alright coach. We can continue.

Michelle walked out of the conference room without saying a word. Maybe she’ll start to do something in her life instead of just getting by day to day.


Alright. Next question

Cut to: credits screen

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