Worldly Product

“How far have a fallen

My mind has began to rot

Bones thirtsy for crimson blood

Bound by demons I once fought

I don’t want to be this type of person

Which means I’m really not him

Its my flesh that lusts for souls

Reap on the weak if I fall grim

I’m just a product of the world

Circumstances out of my control

My cravings for evil, I want to hurl

But I can’t control who I’ve become

I wasn’t born with the want to rip flesh

I wasn’t born with the wish to break necks

But the world has brought me here

I don’t want to hurt other, but I live in fear

People are evil anyways, I’m sure Im not the only one

How many people do I walk by that also like to kill?

People are a product of their mistakes and this is one

I don’t need other sick people to tell me I’m ill

I may change back to a good person if I believe

I mean I changed from a kid with big dreams

To a man who bathes in blood when I sleep

Its just a thought never will I make others weep”

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