Fantasy Crime Report

104th Hour, Remlee’s Eve; Entry by Detective Madders: I responded to the call at Grimoire Mansion at 98th Hour, same Eve. The caller, REDACTED, was distressed and screaming for their son, REDACTED, who was unresponsive on the marbled floor in the foyer of the mansion. At his left arm was a broken, small vial oozing remnants of a thick, green liquid speckeld with red. His right arm was on top of his chest, and his legs were unremarkable. He was barefoot. His nails were roughly one foot long each, all intact, which is typical according to the customs of this species. Under his right arm, his chest was torn in two with a thick slit down the middle. Rough work. Lungs exposed and blackened, either from the liquid in the vial or from years of smoking Frenk’s Herb. Due to his age, I suggest the former. No pupils visible in the eyes, which were rolled back into the head. Mouth was open, tongue was speckled with white spots. All signs point to poison. Mother was calmer by the time we left but still calling for justice for her “infant”. Recommending Dr. Harandy, who specializes in cases of this type, to continue the investigation. - DJM

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