
Glace held Lance’s collar in his hands and gritted his teeth. “You really think I’m that f*cking stupid? All you humans are the same. You want to lock us up so you can look at us like animals in a cage.” Lance frantically shook his head. “No- Glace it’s not- not like that I don’t have anywhere I’d put a cage I-“

Glace gave Lance a good shake. “You never cared not once. With your talk about the stars and how blah blah none shines brighter than me it was all a lie.”

“Why- why do you think that?”

“I heard you in the pub. It was so obvious I had been manipulated. How you didn’t think I was actually interesting at all even though you had told me all those things- I just I can’t believe I fell for it!” He wasn’t just furious. More than anything, his heart was all broken up. Glace fell hard for Lance. He wish he hadn’t fallen for such an act.

“I swear it wasn’t- not like that I promise…” Lance was shaking in Glaces hands. “I-I was-“ He swallowed hard. “It was… I couldn’t understand why- you had an interest in me- it was about me I promise…”

The fire in Glaces eyes grew. Lance was lying he just knew it. He angrily pressed his lips against Lance’s. The kiss of death that sirens have a reputation for. A tear slid down Lances face as he leaned in. He knew all too well what this sort of kiss was but he loved Glace too much to waste their final kiss together. He made a weak attempt to hug onto Glace. Eventually, he fell limp and was left to lie in the sand as Glace stormed off back to his cave. He looked through some of Lance’s things to see if there was anything worth keeping before he threw the rest into the ocean. A folded piece of paper was in the pocket of his favorite jacket along with a small seashell rubbed smooth by the sand. He had found it and kept it with the paper as it reminded him of Glace. The paper was a page from a journal entry. “I wish I had the confidence to tell him how I feel but I know how he feels about humans. He thinks we’re all disgusting traitors and liars and for the most part, he’s right.” Glace looked at the shell again. Lance wasn’t talking about anyone else but him. He peeked out to see Lance laying on the sand, completely lifeless. Glace walked over and finished reading the note. His eyes filled with tears as he realized he had done all the things he had hated that humans did, he had done to Lance. He had used him and played with him like it was a game. Lance wasn’t the bad guy, he was. Glace held Lance’s hand gently and the tears fell. His hand was so cold… Glace swallowed hard and took his face in his hands. Everything was so cold; too cold. A kiss was placed so gently on Lance’s forehead. He couldn’t die now. This wasn’t right, not at all. Glace scooped up Lance and carried him to his little den, tucking him in with all of the other things he loved. Then, he slipped away to ask a favor of the only family he had known. His request for each of his siren family to give a little of their life source each to bring Lance back was quickly declined. They had told him countless times that of all the people he should start trusting, Lance was the best. He hadn’t done a thing wrong. Glace knew if he was able to give enough of his, humans could replenish the life they had left. He couldn’t but he was ready to make that kind of sacrifice. Lance was worth the pain. He took Lance’s face in his hands. It was so cold- too cold. Glace pressed their lips together and he painfully forced the life back into Lance. He had to take breaths as he grew weaker and tears dropped down his cheeks.

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