by Daniel Jensen @ Unsplash

Write this character's story.

Is It Over?

I can’t breath, I’m not going to make it, come on you can do it! You survived the boat wreck, omg the boat wreck my best friend Alan!! He is out there too somewhere!!…or dead? No! No I can’t think about this I gotta make it to the top I’m almost there. I gotta hurry everything is getting black I can’t pass out, not now! just breath slowly in out it’s going to be okay. Tears…no it’s not! I’m stuck damnit…it’s over. The rocks and branches this high up are too thin and break, I can’t get a grip, and my sun burnt skin is getting infected. Jesus! I need water…hold on dont pass out please just hold it together. It’s a long ways back down and the crashing waves are of no comfort for a soft landing. Wait what was that? Breath slowly ..there it is again!! what is that sound coming from above? It sounds like it’s getting closer and it’s causing the cliff’s edge to tremble and shake, what could cause that? What kind of place is this? where am I? Help!!!! Somebody help!!!
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