'I wish I had never let go.'
Using this as the opening line, create an emotional poem focusing on how your character feels and what has led them to this point.
I wish I had never let go.
I lashed out in anger
And severed a tie
That cannot be healed again.
I told you to leave
To pack up your things
And you waited for me to turn around
To change my mind and let you back in
To take you in my arms
But I never did.
Instead I let go.
Can I ever undo this?
My baby, how could I cast you out?
I took your house from you,
Your security, your safety
And for what?
Because you confided in me.
Because you trusted me.
Because you confused me for someone
Who would care.
Who would help.
Maybe I confused myself for something else
On that day.
A monster, a cold figure
A disappointed mother
Who has no idea
What she is doing to her daughter.
My baby, I’m sorry.
I can’t fix this.
I wish I had never let go.