The scream


I go about my daily life as usual, going through the same routine. I eat breakfast, brush my hair and teeth, and start out the door for my morning walk. I yawn as I pass by the commercial district. Jerry, my neighbor, is about ten feet in front of me. I start to bring up my hand to wave, but he just walks on by. Rude, I think, I try not to let it get to me however, after all Jerry’s always been a little stuck up. What did I need from the store again; oh yeah, butter! I smile at the fact that I was able to remember. I’m about one block from the store when I have to dodge out of the way of someone riding a bike. Man, people just don’t seem to notice me today! I look up to find Jane not too far in front of me. Finally a friendly face. I go to wave, but that’s when something incredibly strange happens. Jane passes through my body, like I’m a ghost, a figment of my own imagination. I fall to the ground in a coughing spit. What the HELL was That??? Can-can noone see me?! What’s going on?? I let out a panicked scream and that’s when everyone turns to look in my general direction.


What-what was that?? A scream?? I hear people whispering around me, looking around, trying to figure out what just happened. Since noone was clearly in danger some just went about their day, but I can’t help but shake the feeling that THIS scream was different . . . abnormal somehow. One girl even falls to the ground . . . gasping for air?


Did I just make that noise? Why is noone making eye contact with me? Shaking, I slowly bring my hand to my mouth. I stare at the gravel in shock. The noise that had escaped my mouth, wasn’t my own.


I fall to the ground, gasping for air. Shock written on my face, as memories fly by my eyes. Was that noise? Wait it can’t be. But what if it was? What if that was the noise I heard so many years ago? What if something bad is about to happen again, just like the events that followed the very same noise I had just heard now, I had heard before. My mind flashes back and forth between present and past memories until it all starts to feel numb.


Why is it so cold? Why do I feel numb?


Di-did I cause this c-cold? My body feels numb.

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