Minus Or Plus

A tiny blue plus sign

Hands begin to shake

I slide down onto the floor

Sit in shock

This cant be right

But the math does add up




Mind racing

Realizing I have to tell him

Pull myself up to stand

Get a grip

Wait until he comes home

Break the news

After hours of laying on the couch in silence

Hearing the lock turn in the door

My stomach drops

Either that or its nausea

A gleam in his eye when he sees me

“Hi hun”

I smirk sheepishly

But he can read me like a book

“Whats wrong?”


His eyebrows raise

“Whats going on?”

God why cant I ever be cool and collected….


He continues to stare at me intently

“Are you okay?”


The look on his face turns from doubt to concern

“Are you sick?”

I grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom

My feet feel like weights the whole way

Finally reach the bathroom

Pregnancy test on the counter

Flip it over

The plus is still there

He looks at the test and then to me

His mouth opens but nothing comes out

More silence and then

“That cant be”

I retort with a , Oh but it is

Hes frozen solid

I say his name only once and he snaps back to reality

He looks me over

Places his hand on my stomach

Its really happening

I look at his face

Tears rolling down

We lock eyes and smirk at each other

Is it a bad time to say im scared shitless?

He keeps his hand on my stomach

He smirks

“No because so am I”

He pulls his hand away

Pulls me into his embrace

Kisses my forehead

Holds me for a moment

Speaks ever so softly

“We’ll figure this journey out babydoll”

Oh yeah cause parentings so simple I retort

We laugh and continue to embrace.

Our new little family.

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