by castleengineer @

Write a story or poem set in this futuristic city.


Utopia, the city of dreams, where people go to thrive in an economy larger than any planet dreams to be.

Utopia, the city of hope, a beacon in the dark where all the great people are, all the great people to save all nations.

Utopia, the city of the future, flying cars, flying expectations, and flying skylines.

Dystopia, the city below, beneath the facade, the people weep, new, and unwelcome.

Dystopia, the city of pain, violence, crime riddling the streets.

Dystopia, the city of slums, great glorious buildings fronts for small, decrepit rooms, families of four dying in poverty.

Euphoria, the feeling of the city, the radiating smell, the taste of the air, the everything, everywhere.

Euphoria, the feeling of the people, smiles on their faces, big grins between one another, joy for everyone.

Euphoria, the feeling of progress, the state of everything that goes on, great machines pulling everything forwards.

Dysphoria, the feeling of me, the horror at what I've created.

Dysphoria, the feeling of the world, the hate of the city, it's lies in the metal it's made of.

Dysphoria, the feeling of it all, the truth of the people, the truth of emotion.

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