Choose something found in nature, and anthropomorphise your subject in a descriptive piece of writing.

Anthropomorphosis is to apply distinctly human traits and behaviours to something that is not human.

Sh!t! That’s Some Handsome Buckskin With Eyebrows.

I know Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron was my favourite movie ever growing up as a kid. But, shit! That’s some handsome buckskin with eyebrows. Strangely very alike the animated stallion from the movie. But in live action… No screen… Real life right now… His brow facing me arches as he senses my presence. Lifting his head from the long bunches of grass and cocking it at me inquisitively. By the expression of his brows, it’s almost as if he’s saying: Who are you? And what are you doing here? I’m tempted to go up and feel him even though I know I shouldn’t because he’s wild and should remain that way but… I bite my lip, contemplating doing so as he raises his tail and unloads his baggage. He lowers his muzzle to the grass again and starts nibbling away again at it occasionally taking a step forward. I watch him peacefully. Then there’s a bird squawking and it spooks him. He gallops off away from me. “No!” I beg stretching out my arm in the direction he galloped off in just as I burst open my eyes and woke up. Tears were in my eyes and I was breathing as if I ran a marathon. “no,” I whine-whispered as I lay back on my pillow and fell asleep. But I didn’t dream of the horse again. ~~~ Btw part of this is a true story and that’s the bit where I LOVED WATCHING THE OG SPIRIT GROWING UP! Btw fun fact: when horses were wild and weren’t domesticated by ppl, if they sensed a predator nearby they would poo so that way say a cougar was going to spring on them they’d be able to gallop away quicker away from the predator because they’d be lighter. Btw this behaviour still exists today in modern horses 😜🐴🐴
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