My Little Fox Pt. 3

Nathan slammed Lu in the closet and closed it quickly. Lu screamed, banging on the door.

“Uriah!” Lu screamed. I couldn’t move. Nathan’s smile made me shiver. Move Uriah! Move! From the moment I first saw him, I knew there was something off. I backed up as Nathan advanced, just then Lu broke out of the closet and jumped on Nathan’s back.

“Get off!” He yelled.

“Leave him alone!” Lu screamed. Nathan flipped Lu off his back and I pushed Nathan away. Leaving my stupor. Lu jumped to my side then stood in front of me. In between me and Nathan.

“Geez Lu what the fuck is wrong with you. I was just messing with you” he laughed nonchalantly.

“Your fucked up Nathan” Lu said.

“Hey, your too young to be using that kind of language young man” he said.

“Stop playing it off like what happened wasn’t totally messed up!” Nathan only smiled, like an understanding father, or trying to appear as such.

“Lucious, please behave” he said, opened the door and left the room. The door slammed behind him and I felt myself relax. Lu was still tense, and angry.

“Lu, do you think he knows I’m actually Uriah?” I asked. Lu turned to face me. He wrapped me in an embrace.

“I don’t think he realized I accidentally said your name, but you should hurry and switch. I’m so sorry this was my idea, I shouldn’t have-“

“Lu, it’s okay, I wanted to hang out with you in my original form in your room too” I blushed slightly, why did I say all that? Lu didn’t notice he let go and checked the door making sure Nathan was gone. I shifted back into a fox and yawned, I was exhausted. Just then Lu’s mom stormed in.

“Lu! Do you have someone in here? Nathan said you had that boy Yuri in the house” she seemed a bit angry. “look I don’t mind you having friends over but you need to ask, is he still here hun?” She asked. Lu picked me up, holding me gently to his warm chest. I could hear is heart beating quickly from the adrenaline.

“Mom, I have to tell you something about Nathan!” Lu said, then like someone called his name from a mile away he appeared behind Lu’s mother, I jumped slightly.

“Hey bud, what’s up?” Nathan said playing it off.

“Mom, Nathan tried to hurt Ur-Yuri! And he shoved me in the closet!” Lu said angrily.

“Are you feeling alright Lu?” Nathan asked trying to appear shocked.

“Honey, I gotta make dinner. You need to do your chores. And stop messing around” Lu’s mom said.

“What? I’m not joking around mom! Your fucked up boyfriend tried to hurt me and my best friend!” Lu screamed. A whimper escaped my lips on accident, out of anger Lu was squeezing me really hard.

“Lucious Damian Miller! Do not use that kind of language!” She said angrily.

“Mom! Your not listening!” I yelled. Nathan smiled behind Lu’s mom leaving a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“That is enough out of you young man. I am tired, I work very hard for this family do you understand? Go to your room right now.”

“But mom” a tears strode down Lu’s pale cheeks.

“To you room now, and give me Uriah please” Nathan chimed in happily.

“Absolutely not” Lu yelled angrily hugging me tightly until I yelled out of pain. He was scared and so was I.

“Lu, give him Uriah” his mom said.

“What? No!”

“Lu honey you’re hurting Uriah.” Nathan said and grabbed me from Lu’s arms. I growled and snarled angrily.

“Stop! Give him back he’s mine!” Lu screamed.

“I am tired of you acting like a spoiled brat. Go to your room now!” His mom yelled. Lu glanced worriedly back at me. I struggled in Nathan’s arms trying to escape.

“Uriah, get Evie, where leaving” Lu said shakily. He didn’t need to tell me twice. I shifted into a bear and swiped at Nathan. He fell down the stairs bleeding. Lu’s mom screamed. I shifted again into a giant hawk (size of a medium sized dog) and flew into Evie’s room. Grabbing her clothing with my bill. She giggled excitedly mumbling my name in toddler talk. I swooped her up then flew back grabbing Lu with my bird claws. Then transformed into a dragon, a smaller dragon than an adult since I was still just a kid. The tree of us flew out the window into the cold winter winds. Lu’s mother’s scream drowning out with distance and wind.

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