Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

All Hallows Eve🦋

As the rain pounded on the windows and roofs, Ella got up out of bed. She was cold. She snatched a knitted sweater from under her bed and quickly put it on. As she returned to bed, she noticed her window. Frost was creeping up quickly like a hungry snake. An icy blue butterfly hit the window and bounced back. It’s wings beating against the frozen panes. Ella rushed to the window to let the butterfly inside. She opened the window and cold, sharp, wind hit her face. She gasped from the cold and the butterfly flew inside. She slammed the window shut with a bang.

“Is everything ok out there?” Her bf says

“Yes,” She says

Ella looks around the room for the butterfly, but it is gone. Sleeping somewhere in the dark corner of the room waiting for Ella to fall asleep…


Ella drifted into the land of dreams the moment her head hit the pillow. She slept on her back, snoring softly. Her bf came in and gave her a kiss goodbye. He was visiting his parents so Ella would see him in the morning. Suddenly, the rain stopped. The room was filled with empty silence. Ella awoke to noises coming from the kitchen. Someone had left a pot of boiling water on the stove. Was it her bf? Ella got up and put on her slippers, trudging downstairs into the kitchen. She turned off the stove and went back to bed. She heard her phone ringing. Ella saw the contact: 911


Ella picked up the phone and asked: “hello?”

“911 what is your emergency?”

“I didn’t call you, you called me,”

“Mam, you called us a few minutes ago, if this is a prank call I will have to report you!”

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean to call you,”

“Alright, goodnight Mam,”

The phone call ended with a click.

I may as well call Rachel. Ella thought. Rachel was Ella’s best friend. Ella FaceTimed Rachel:

“Hiiii!” Exclaimed Rachel


“Where’s Sam?”

“Oh, he is visiting his parents, but he will be back in the morning!” Ella said “I’m alone in the house If you want to come over for movie night,”

“Sorry, girl I have to get a good rest tonight; I have another show tomorrow,”

“Ok, maybe another night,”

“Ofc!” Rachel agreed, “Wait-“


“I thought you said you were alone!”

“I am,”

“Then why did I just see someone walk past your door?”


(of book one🙃)

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