Write a story that takes place in a strange city.

It could be an alternate reality, a culture very different from your own, or a fantasy setting.

Piles Pillinski Disclaimer: I Don’t Own Some Of The characters The Belong To The Show Teenwolf

Hello you might not know me but you know my story. If you don’t then i will tell you. This is the story of my life. Well here it goes......

It all started one night, I was just watching tv when all of a sudden the lights started to flicker. Then my tv started to go black. Then I passed out, the next thing I knew I woke up in a strange place. Where you ask the a little town know as Beacon Hills. I was confused but I knew where I was. I looked up and saw a very frantic Scott McHall and Stiles Stillinski.

“Y/n there you are” Scott said. Then Stiles Kissed me full on the lips. I kissed him back.

“Where did you go y/n” said Stiles. I was shocked at first as you see Stiles had left me a few days ago. “What are you talking about Stiles you left me” I said.

“What are you talking about y/n” Scott said

I said “ Scott, Stiles left me two days ago. “

“Y/n what do you mean” Stiles said.

I Screamed “YOU LEFT ME TWO DAYS AGO, YOU SAID THAT I WASN’T GOOD ENOUGH AND YOU COULD DO BETTER THEN ME. Stiles you said you never loved me and I need to go away”

Crying i turned to leave but Scott stoped me.

“What Scott” I yelled

“He did leave you that was his alter ego Piles” Scott said

“ how do i know that is true” I asked?

“Because I love you y/n I always have and always will” Stiles said

“That doesn’t answers my question Stiles” I said.

Scott said “i will show you, just fallow me”

I fallowed Scott down the hall to the locker room and I saw someone that looks just like Stiles. I turn around to see my Stiles standing there.

“Stiles is that you really you” I said

“Yes y/n its me.” Stiles Said

“I’m sorry so sorry I didn’t believe you I love you” I said as I kiss Stiles.

After that day Stiles and i were never apart. We got married and had a few kids. Scott and Mila got married and had a few kids. You might ask why am i telling you this, well you see our kids changed the world. They brought the real world and supernatural world together. We all live in peace. Everything Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Derek, Mila, Kira, and myself fought for all was good now. There was no more fighting no more changes everyone believe in everyone. There was no more war, no more protest, no more anything that was not peaceful. Everything was wonderful in the world we live in.

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