Father’s Day?

(FYI this is a work of fiction)

Summer Vallens peed on a pregnancy test waiting for the results. Hoping it would come back positive. Buying donor sperm was incredibly expensive and no guarantee of pregnancy. This time, she’s be a true single mother by choice and price of sperm be damned, at least, AT LEAST, she wouldn’t have to have an awkward awful conversation with someone about the results of the pregnancy test like she had with Kurt…and Ralph.

Although the memory of the conversation with Kurt was infinitely more awkward than with Ralph because of the circumstances of where it took place. It was one of those times that she wished she and her twin, Story, could have switched places on the spot. As she set the alarm and waited for the results of the pregnancy test, Summer thought about that awful awkward conversation from three years ago.

Summer and Story had taken a “baby moon” together even though they, obviously, weren’t a couple, but Summer was single and 5 months pregnant and Story insisted on doing the baby moon with her since, as identical twins, she would be helping to raise this baby like her own. The twin bond was something special. Story couldn’t wait to be an aunt and also the Godmother. A role she was looking forward to since her sister first told her she was pregnant, but if she were honest with herself, a role she was looking forward to since they were kids.

The obvious place to go for the baby moon was the Happiest Place on Earth. Summer and Story went there often through out their childhood and Disney World always felt like home.

It was in Magic Kingdom where that ironic and fitting phase “it’s a small world after all” came into play when they ran into Kurt. Kurt was Summer’s friend…with benefits, but honestly it was more like an acquaintance with benefits since the hooking up was really the main part of what they did when they got together. Some drinking and flirting and hooking up and then they’d go months and months without talking. Summer was single and in her twenties. She had a few friends with benefits like this actually which is precisely the bind she found herself in now pregnant and not 100% sure who exactly was the father. Her plan was to have the baby and then contact either Ralph or Kurt and ask for a paternity test. She didn’t see them regularly enough to possibly rock their worlds beforehand. Maybe not the best plan but the one she came up with and going with. All else be damned.

Unfortunately, they were on line for It’s A Small World (one of the few rides Summer could ride at Disney while pregnant) when she felt a tap on her shoulder to see a grinning Kurt behind her saying “Wow…fancy meeting you here…”. Summer and Story are petite and until she turned around, she didn’t even look pregnant necessarily…until you saw her huge belly. (The amount of times she heard, “Are you sure you aren’t pregnant with twins?” so far during this pregnancy sent her to a different realm.)

Kurt’s grin faltered when he saw Summer’s belly. “Oh wow. Congratulations. Wasn’t expecting to see you at Disney or to see that you are…expecting.”

Summer replied a stock, “Thank you” as she gripped Story’s arm tight.

“Who’s the lucky father? Not mine right?”, Kurt chuckled.

His question caught her off guard and Summer’s brain blanked. The pregnant pause told Kurt everything he needed to know, but he still repeated himself, “Not mine…right?”

Story spoke up suggesting they get off line and go for a walk together since her sister was still trying to find the right words.

They found themselves on Main Street USA with Kurt angrily asking, “When the fuck were you going to tell me Summer?”

Summer scrunched her nose as words finally came out, although probably not the best ones. “The thing is Kurt…it might actually not be yours. But it might.”

“So much for this being the happiest place on earth,” spat Kurt. “Fuck!”

“I know this isn’t the ideal place to find this out. Honestly I was going to wait until the baby was born and then ask for a paternity test. Didn’t make sense I guess to make you all bent out of shape for a few months when there’s nothing we can do until the baby is born, ya know?”

Suddenly, in present time, Summer’s alarm went off helping her to break away from the memory. Thankfully. She looked down at this pregnancy test. Positive.

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