When I Look in the Mirror

My hands could not stop their trembling. I looked ahead, to this old, web-covered mirror, gazing upon my reflections. What I saw was definitely not me, or in a way, it was what I had become but refused to accept. A creature of hurt and pain, filled with vice, anger and violence. Not an ounce of kindness or so it seems, I was ashamed of letting myself go like that. A cruel punishment for a volage craving of power and wealth.

A pact with a demon, what was I thinking? He drained me of my humanity so that he could get his filling. My soul gone, I felt empty.

It was like everything around me was decaying under my rotting form : the beautiful autumn leaves I stepped on, drying, and the lake who once was a work of art with its clear water from, collecting sludge. And this mirror…this mirror that refused to leave me, a constant reminder of what I did to myself. He put it there to punish me, to remind me how weak I had been for craving something that was so much bigger than me.

Could others still see me ? What would they say? I could not bear to witness the sheer disappointment on their face upon observing what I have become.

How could I fix this? How could I change my fate and turn it around?

And as I was looking at myself in this mirror, He appeared behind me, flames around me. I was not even able to say anything, it was as if my lips were sealed.

« So, Human. You called upon me. » He said, his lips were not moving…he spoke to my mind. « I did not call you… »

I heard him chuckle darkly, « You did. You just don’t know. I heard you wanted out? », he chuckled once more, « There is no way out… »

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