Submitted by Maranda Quinn

While chasing your ghost, I became one myself.

Haunting Memories

Her fleeting,

warm touch is always too far for me to grasp.

Like awoken from a splendid dream.

I can practically smell her perfume,

roses and vanilla.

The comforting scent always put me at ease.


it’s just a reminder of how she abandoned me.

Her laughter on the wind,

her glittering smile and striking green eyes.

The way she held my hand as we walked together in the park.

It’s like she’s _everywhere_,

the sweetest torture someone can bear.

The absence of her is like sharp nails across skin.

When I breathe, it hurts

to see my chest rise and fall.

It means that I live another day without my love.

And sometimes it feels like a weight is on my legs,

and I’m sinking to the depths of the ocean.



all becuase she won’t stand next to me.

She should’ve just ripped my heart out with her own hands,

it would hurt much less than…this.

While chasing her ghost,

I became one myself.

My memories haunting me for all time.

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