A Day To Remember

Did life have to be this hard! First a mental breakdown at work, and then almost running over his dog ... a truly terrible day.

Well that's over now, finally a moment to relax! Putting his feet up, Ronald Steme turned on a little Bach, trying to unwind to the flowing sound of classical music. The Ramen smelled so good, sitting their on the stove! Luka, his luckily unharmed poodle snuggled on the worn couch cushions. The little apartment was overall cozy in this brisk wintery day and...

A thump!

The normally calm and collected man shut his eyes tight, memories spiraling in his head.

"What if, what if they come back and... no no no!"

The scars on his eyes burn, as if remembering. He dashes to the door as another THUMP echos through the halls. The back of his neck prickles. Someone Must be watching him! A strong smell, like rotten eggs burning hits his nose! Not the ramen... or the dog either...

As sweat pours down Ron's face, bile rose up in his throat...

"Remind me never to be scared again! It tastes horrible!"

With those mumbled words, Ronald Steme passed out next to his dog, who was desperately licking his dad's face.

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