memories of glass

‘I dread the day I leave you. Of all the good-byes to be made in this world, why must it be you? I shelve every memory we share in a glass cabinet that stands in the corner of my bedroom, yet the windows will eventually chip away and shatter, just like the fibre-thin cracks crawling across my framed works. I don’t ever want to wake from this dream; to return to a reality where these memories flitter and fade away into nothing. Each day that passes is one day closer to our farewell… With each passing hour, my heart grows heavier. Who will lay beside me, singing songs and whispering lullabies? Who will hold me down when I’m lost in the clouds, in the realm of my imagination? Who will murmur my name in such away that makes my heart race and my cheeks blossom into a shade of rosy red? For _you_ are the only one to have allowed me this deep happiness. Your entry into my life was somewhat unprecedented— how can you, one person, alter my being so drastically in a way that makes me _want_ you? But soon, all of it will be thrown away; gone. We will only remain only as shards of glasses littering my bedroom floor… Waiting.’

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