
I’m not brave

I hide from my thoughts

My feelings

My dreams

I’m not brave

I cower at the slightest raise of a voice

I cower at the moment I need to be brave

I cower at the small voice lurking inside my head

I’m not brave

You scare me

Though you don’t mean to

I’m afraid of when you will hurt me again

I’m not brave

I don’t stand up for myself

I don’t say what hurts me

I don’t stand up for others

I feel like I’m not brave

I have so many fears

Fears I can’t face

I’m not brave

But maybe that’s what makes me brave

All the fears I have

I have to face them many times

Sometimes I’m so scared

I think I’m going to cry

Or throw up

But I don’t

I don’t know why

Someday I will be brave

But for now

Im not brave

Im simply

Trying to get by

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