Your main character wakes up in an unknown place, tied up and gagged. Unfortunately, her kidnapper doesn't know she's highly trained, in control, and unafraid.
Introduce a powerful female lead who handles her misfortune like a badass.
Legends (Pt 1)
Her eyes fluttered open. She was in a dark room, filled with boxes. She was tied up and gagged, in a corner of the room. Unfortunately for her kidnapper, she is highly trained, in control, and unafraid. She grabbed a knife from her pocket and turned it over. She began sawing the rope. After she was done she ripped the gag off. Her gold and black hair draped over her shoulders, and her green eyes examined the room. The person who had kidnapped her had left 2 hours ago to get McDonald's. So they thought they could stop her. Not a chance. She slid her knife back into her pocket and kicked down the door. She ran down the empty hallways and emerged into Central Park, New York City. She saw a woman heading for the door. She jumped into a bush and watched the girl. She had blonde hair and freckles that looked like mud splatters on her face and arms. The strangest thing was that she was wearing a… cheetah costume. The cheetah girl walked into the hallway, and she followed. She pulled out her knife and got ready to pounce. Just before she jumped to hit the strange girl, she turned around and jumped at her with mechanical claws. As the weapons clashed a shock went through her. She tried to sneak a hit in but the cheetah girl dodged. If you can’t stab them with your knife, stab them with your words. “What are you? A kitty?” “Actually, I have a name. It's Reedah.” “Nice to meet you Reedah the cheetah, I’m Legend. In case you haven’t heard about me, I’m the leader of Death.” “Wow so you’re like the lady of death,” Reedah said. “Not real death. The secret organization Death. Just so you know, it was a mistake kidnapping me.” “Why, I think I’ve done a pretty good job?” “Because of this,” Legend stabbed at the woman's stomach. “HEY!” Reedah roared. She swiftly stabbed her in the chest. “What the he…” Reedah collapsed. Legend put her hand on Reedahs chest. She couldn’t feel a heartbeat or the rise of her chest. Reedah was dead. “That's what you get for messing with me,” Legend laughed. Two girls walked in. They both had purple hair with green eyes, which were looking up at Legend. “It is done,” Fortune said. “The base has been defeated,” Recieve said quietly. “Good,” Legend said. Death would become a Legend. Just like her. Watch out heroes, Legends coming for you. She smirked wickedly.