Write a Pantoum on any topic you like.

A pantoum is a poem where each stanza is 4 lines, and the second and fourth line of each stanza are repeated as the first and third lines of the next. As this creates a lot of repetition, try to pick a theme that would benefit from emphasis of certain lines.

Little Smiles

Tw: eating disorders

Get into character

Put on a pretty smile

Fix your clothes

Its time to start the show

Put on a pretty smile

Its okay they wont know

It time to start the show

Just hold it in a little longer

Its okay they wont know

Youre seconds away from throwing up

Just hold it in a little longer

Come on you're fine

Youre seconds away from throwing up

From the very little food you ate

But its okay you're fine

Hopefully you"ll be pretty before you die

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