Write a speech that you would deliver to your first love, if given the chance.
From your own perspective or that or a character, write about how the relationship felt, how it changed you, and what you might say to them now if you met again.
To: You
We haven’t met yet, but I’m very much looking forward to the day we do. I know that my expectations may be unrealistic, but I’m only familiar with the concept of love that comes from romance novels and Rom-Coms. Truth be told, I feel I deserve the kind of love I read about. Everyone who wants love does. But I understand that you may express love in your own way and I have to be open to it.
I have a few ground rules, though, since I’m putting my heart on the line.
1) No cheating. If you find that you want to be with someone else, even for just one night, leave me first.
2) Respect me as I will respect you
3) Be on my team
If you can do those things we will work out amazingly. Maybe first love can be first and last.
If not, I will walk away with knowing it was a “you thing” and not a “me thing”.
I can’t wait to meet you. I’ll be the one with the green eyes and the laugh you can’t stop listening to.