Describe the wisest person you know in a short story about them.
Your description should subtly tell us why you think they are wise. You could weave this into a story, or write a descriptive paragraph, but try to be creative with the way you portray this person, instead of telling us facts about them.
The Fridge Metaphor
This was during my uni years, I was really struggling at one point with finances.
I just had gotten fired from my part-time job and was stressed about making rent.
I had a friend at the time, one of those that looks you in the eyes and sees your soul. She would always know when something was up and no amount of bullshit was tolerated. She read me like an open book.
On our breaks we would go on the third floor of our uni building and climb out a toilet window on the grim metal fire escape. There, we sat on the cill and smoked cigarettes. We had a wonderful view of the back of the victorian buildings roofs nearby and all their gutters and pipes. It was a wonderful spot to talk.
“What’s wrong?” She asked me. I knew there was no point in lying. I had stopped trying to do that months ago.
“I got fired and now I’m short on rent money”
“Oh, well why don’t you ask your parents for help? Im sure they won’t mind”
Now, I do come from a wealthy background, but I was a prideful creature. I had become independent in the past few years and it felt nice. I struggled, but it was good for me mentally.
“I don’t want to. I finally broke free, I gained my father’s respect. I want to be independent, I can’t just rely on my safety net like that whenever I want to”
She rolled her eyes at me and said the following:
“See, darling, when you have food at home, in your fridge, do you go out and spend money on more food, or do you just eat the food at home? It doesn’t make sense to buy more food, because the food at home will go bad and you’ll have to throw it out.
Your parents love you and they took the time to fill your fridge. Just let them help you.
Everyone struggles occasionally and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Now pass me the lither”