
Can you hear my voice?

Is it one you’d follow?

Would it bring you peace?

Would it make you stay?

Can you feel my arms?

Wrapped around an old shell,

Of what felt like love,

But felt like none else.

Adorned in bright colours,

Thunderheads come, wash them out,

Now I dress in shadow,

Now I’ll blend in, no doubt.

I’ll look up at the sky,

I’ll wonder why?

I’ve got a thunderhead,

Following me around,

I think,

Why can’t I be them?

Why can’t I be me?

There’s always something there,

That won’t let you be free.

So I’ll soak out in the rain,

Hear the thunder call me,

Let it wash me away,

Wash me away.

I must get out of here,

I must get away,

Far away from here,

I’m far away.

In the dark of the night,

If you find me here,

Don’t wait,

I’m already gone.

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