The Hit

He ordered a hit on the woman who said

She’d fork over the money when she was dead

He felt very smart as he paid the assassin

For beating her out at her own game of ration

Though the very next day in the morning news

A familiar face disrupted his ruse

For the same woman he’d wanted to gore

Had been killed in a car crash just the night before

He should gave been glad when he saw she was gone

This problem that tormented him for so long

Instead he felt strangely unnerved by her death

Had she even known when she took her last breath?

The hitmen plan murders for months at a time

But their plans can be shot at the flip of a dime

Professional killers, even the top rate

At the end of the day, are still no match for fate

Her death was an instant, a flick of a light

The man thought, she never had a moment to fight

The guilt ate him up for the next several hours

So he sent her poor family a bouquet of flowers

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