Confused in Love

You claimed to truly loved me

For who I was

And not for who you wanted

I tried to be the girl of your dreams

Yet you kept crushing me more and more every time

My love for you became a fear of you

Long nights full of useless conversations

To only end up not being your only one

You knew from the beginning

That I was vulnerable and you took advantage of that


I defended you, until I couldn’t defend you anymore

Even as a friend, I wished you all the best

Yet & still you tried to tie me into your mess

If you had given me that solid chance

To love you into a blissful dance

Instead you chose turmoil & heartaches & stalker mentalities

Therefore I couldn’t ever love or know you as the same person

Be blessed in all you do moving forward as it won’t involve me not even a little bit

If Only you had loved me the way I loved you

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