Art by Vaghauk @

Your character has just escaped the City of Death. Tell the story of what happened there.

Soul second chance

The last thing I remember before waking up in this open casket was sitting on my couch with a bottle of whiskey. Pulling myself to a sitting position, I am positioned in the middle of a deserted town square that is littered with other open caskets toppled and tipped over. Crawling out of e casket and getting to the steady ground my eyes fixate on a giant bell covered in moss and grime from what looks like decades of neglect. A hooded figure stood just below.

The figure lets out a loud screech as it yanks on the rope. A thunderous ringing was let out that shook the entire town to its foundation. Grasping my ears in torment I can feel the warm blood running down them. Turning to run away from the bells toll, The windows and doors of surrounding buildings begin to burst open. Ghoulish deformed figures rush out to greet me with open arms and maws.

Terrified, I begin sprinting for my life down the street. Not too far off is the giant iron gate at the edge of town. Looking back at the horde in pursuit gives me hope as they are falling behind. Turning my eyes back to the path ahead I am horrified to see the gate is closing and I will not make it. As the gate closes my body slams against it and I claw at it with pleading intent.

With all hope lost I turn towards my pursuers and slide my body down against the gate and wait for the inevitable devouring of the monstrosities. Just as my final moments were approaching a golden ray slammed down on me from the sky above and the creatures recoiled and thrash about trying to retreat. My body becomes weightless as I begin floating off the ground. "My child, Having left the 99 I rejoice to bring you back to me"

Startling awake with the loud sound of white noise emanating from the tv I look around frantically. Next to me sits the bottle of whisky, a bottle of pills, a loaded pistol, and a picture of the ex. Ding, grabbing my phone I see a new notification from my mother reading

"Happy easter honey! are you coming to church with us this year to celebrate the resurrection? Just remember why he died for us. Call me in the morning and let me know, love you -mom "

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