Mythical Girl

Running with my hair blowing in my face and my slippers in the slick mud, I could feel a hot breath chasing after me.

My lateen shook, the fire blinking on the edge of extinguishing.

_The king requires your blood, Mythical Girl._

The beast’s deep words shook my core as I focused on running from his clawed hands.

With a silent whoosh, my lantern blew out and only my weak human eyes could guide me through the dark night.

It wasn’t long before I tripped over a stick and flew to the ground.

The beast rushed before me and I screamed with pure fear.

_The mouse never escapes the cat._

With hot tears and a shaken voice, I ask, “What do you want?”


The beast growls, and with a slash of his paw, I see no more.

What feels like years, my eyes finally open. I gasp up, unaware of my surroundings.

“Hello Mythical Girl, how glad we are to be in your presence,” a tall, brunette man says with a smirk.

“My name is not Mythical Girl, and I hold no magical abilities,” I say sternly.

“Really?” the man questioned. “Then how is it that no mark is there upon your skin? You certainly felt the cold, cruel claws of Magnum the Beast?”

With confused eyes, I examined myself.

No mark nor injury was on my skin.

I was untouched.

“Yes, exactly,” the man said, “untouched.” He moved over to his desk, where papers and books were spread. “This means your blood holds a healing component unlike any other.”

I gulp. “So what does the king need of me?”

“The war isn’t looking too great on our side, Mythical Girl, meaning our knights need some advantage over our enemies to end the bloodshed.”

Suddenly my blood goes cold and I pale. “No,” I utter getting up.

But the door out was locked.

“No no no!” I shout. “I will not become a bloody blood bag!”

The man’s face falls into sorrow. “Of course not. That is why I am here.”

He draws closer to me and whispers, “The thing is, Mythical Girl, the king does not understand science, but I do. I only need a small vial of your blood to create the healing serum. I would _never_ do something so monstrous as keep you as a weapon.” He moves to grab a cloak. “Which is why once I have your small bottle of blood, I’ll send you off home, and then you’ll never have to think or worry about this place again.”

“What about the beast?” I said with a hint of fear.

The man laughs. “Don’t worry about him, he is a friend of mine; he’ll leave you alone, I promise.”

Within ten minutes, I gave the scientist my blood and was off on my way home.

But a slight chill had me turning once behind at the castle.

_Mythical Girl, you are more than just a mere human. _

The soft, ancient voice flew and faded with the wind.

I tried to ignore it, but my mind had already memorized it, begging for an explanation.

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