Ed, Olly And Chloe Copy ‘The Hangover’

Chloe blinked. She could barely see through blurry eyes. She blinked again, where was she?

A few more blinks and her vision cleared up slightly, with a tinge of blue she could at least make out she was in a living room.

Her body felt strange and she realised that she was hanging half off the couch. Moving to fix her position and a rush of blood swarmed her head and pain exploded. She grabbed her head, the pain was familiar and the pieces started to fall into place.

She was hungover. Trying to align her thoughts she could only remember pierces of yesterday afternoon. She was with her friends, Alex and her team had joined them. Things had started normally and then, annoyance flashed across her face as the rest of the night blurred to darkness.

Covering her eyes she swung head legs round to place them on the floor. Another rush of blood attacked her head but she tried her best to ignore it. The feeling of nausea sweeping through her stomach wasn’t helping her focus.

Then she heard groaning from across the room. Her eyes lazily dragged over to a beanbag placed between a window and a potted plant. Looking over, through squinted eyes, she saw a body rolling onto the floor. More groaning and Chloe would have laughed if her head wasn’t threatening to exploded.

Ed rolled over and rubbed his temples.

“Where are we?” Chloe asked, her voice raspy. Sounding weird in her own ears, sounding louder than she felt comfortable with.

“Mine.” Another voice said from a doorway, Olly stepped into view. Chloe admiring the view as he walked out in only green baggy trousers with white palm trees on them, his upper body was lean and muscular. Chloe found herself staring but also felt so horrible that she didn’t really care.

“Anyone remember what happened last night?” Chloe asked.

“I only remember meeting at that first place, then the following few get blurry. Did we ever even meet up with Seb and the others?” Ed wondered, still face down on the floor.

“I think so? Didn’t they show up early on?” Olly continued, walking across the room. Tilting his head as he noticed something on the table. Picking up an empty glass milk bottle that was made of green glass. “Anyone remember this? Or why we have it?”

Chloe stared at the object in his hand, she had never seen an actual milk bottle before. Let alone one made of green glass. Moving on the couch to sit against the back she felt something jab her in the spine. Groaning she twisted and found a book spine pushing up against her. Grabbing the book she looked up at olly in surprise.

“I didn’t take you for the religious type.”

“That’s because I’m not.” Olly replied, noticing the bible in Chloe’s hand. “That is not mine.”

“Ohhhhh we have unexpected items in bagging areas.” Ed laughed to himself, still face down on the floor.

A knock at the door drew everyone’s attention. It was loud and demanding.

“Where is my wheel?!” A voice called from the other side of the door.

All three cringed in pain at the banging. Olly rushed to the door, took a second to compose himself and the opened it to an equally tall man with a thick moustache.

“I know it was you! I know you have the wheel to my bike somewhere. I need it back right now!”

“You need to stop yelling.” Olly warned, Chloe could see his legs shaking and it gave her solace the hangover was effecting them all equally.

“I have no idea why your bike wheel is missing or why you think it was us okay? But it wasn’t so thank you.” Olly said, shutting the door.

Chloe could hear the man still huffing on the other side of the door as Olly turned, a pale look on his face.

“We need to figure out if we did anything bad last night.” Ed said to the floor, loudly enough for the others to hear.

“Agreed.” Chloe said. “My favourite way to start is camera rolls. See if there are photos or videos of anything.”

Chloe opened her camera roll and locked her phone straight away, clutching it tight to her chest. Her eyes darting to the boys who were both engrossed in their phones.

She was lucky neither of them had seen her reaction. She had to double check, surely she didn’t see what she thought she did.

But it was true. The first photo when she opened her phone was a blurry selfie of her kissing Olly!

What was she going to do???

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