Sixth Sense

Hello guys, my name is mark,Let me tell you the story how I created the sixth sense, you may wonder what is the sixth sense? The sixth sense is full body awareness, basically you have spidey senses.

Here’s the story how I found out, December 21 2064, a cold night in NYC, I was in the Bronx and it pretty lonley there. I was just walking down this back street to get to my house, but somthing felt off, I didn’t know what it was but I KNEW something was up. So I headed back to the main road, as soon as I got back home I turned the news channel on, on the very same back road I was on, some one got murdered I gasped, I then heard gunshots out by the door, I grabbed my Kimberly 1911 and just held an angle at my front door, out of nowhere I knew I had to shoot, so I did, five shot at the door and I heard screaming so I checked the door and someone in an orange jail suit with an ar 15 I knew something changed about me. The next day I whent down to the E.R and asked them what was wrong, they diddnt believe me but they still ran test on me. They couldn’t believe it. They told me only a few people have this gift, they said that I’m one in 1,000,000,000 to have this gift. I felt very safe till this very day.

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