Finding the Sky Fortress

Why would anyone want to escape from the sky fortress?

What if I told you, in a far away, vibrant corner of the earth, hidden behind a gorge and vast mountain range, there was a long winding staircase that will deliver you to the most ethereal castle in existance. With views from high up, neighbouring the fluffy clouds, and overlooking all of Earth, you can live in a paradise. Here you would have health and all the organic produce you need, spring water, a comfortable and luxurious home and a job found for you that connects with your own sense of purpose.

Though it’s not just the journey to discovering the location which you must survive, it’s a test at the entrance. You will be interviewed to determine if you are suited to such a lifestyle. You’ll be questioned on your ego, your humility, your selflessness, your work ethic, for if those things aren’t a strong enough pilar of who you are, you may be a threat to the peace of the Sky Fortress.

One must be strong, kind, generous, purposeful, caring, hard working and somewhat intuitive. These qualities will ensure you can thrive, have a sense of purpose and be of value to the other inhabitants.

The Sky Fortress will not accept all who merely survive the journey, as to be lucky enough to live in such an oasis, one must know the worth of this opportunity and what it means to be a resident.

So what happens once you’ve found your place here? Can you marry? Can you farm, cook, design, create, have a family, travel, ascend or practice your spirituality? Drink alcohol, party? Do they have a ruler, monarchy of sorts? Do you remain human, do you become another being entirely?.. The civilians of the world still don’t know the answers, only those who make the Sky Fortress their forever home, know this. Until now…

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