Through The Eyes Of A Child

Look at my time capsule!

What shall I put in it?

Maybe a candle

To see the insides lit.

Before it goes into the ground,

Before it is found.

“It surely will go out.”

You don’t know for sure

So why do you doubt?

Maybe some seeds

That’ll grown into trees

Wiped out in the future or maybe the past

Either way, now those trees will last

To show everyone

What they almost would’ve done.

“That’s silly, no trees will go extinct.”

Some are endangered,

At least I think?

Maybe a ticking clock

Set with an alarm

For when they open the lock.

It’s a prank that won’t cause any harm.

“Why must everything always be a funny prank with you?”

I don’t know

Did I really disappoint you too?

Maybe a book

They’ll take a look

And see a story

Of a castle in its glory!

“You should put something more special then a book.”

Aren’t books special?

I made a story just for you, did you look?

Look at my time capsule!

What shall I put in it?

I want to stuff it full,

But first I need to think a bit.

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