Your protagonist is a child constantly tormented by school bullies.
Whether you decide to focus on their resolution and triumph, or the hard experiences they face, how you tell this character's story is up to you.
A Child So Frail
Let’s be honest, being a kid sucks. Grownups think their lives are hard because of bills, work, and all of the other responsibilities I hear them complain about. What about kids? What about our young impressionable minds? We’re constantly subjected to criticism on a daily basis. Most decisions are made for us despite being capable of making them ourselves. We couldn’t just run to Best Buy and buy an Xbox or PlayStation. We don’t have money like they do.
Don’t get me started on school. It’s boring and there are bullies at every single one. The grownups can just leave to get away from mean people at work. As kids, we don’t have that kind of freedom. We just have to take it and hope that it doesn’t ruin our chances of making friends later on.
I’ve been bullied by my entire class in the first grade. They made fun of me when I had to get glasses. They even laughed at me when I got my ears pierced. I couldn’t see why either one was funny. I didn’t even have one friend to help me through all the torment. I was all alone and it was depressing.
The worst time was the last instance I could remember. My whole class was in the library and I had to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately for me, the bathroom was right across the room from the tables all my classmates were sitting at. I’m not sure if I just assumed everyone would have known the bathroom was occupied or not, but it turned out that the librarian didn’t know. I was sitting on the toilet as she opened the door and my entire class saw me with my pants down. They instantly started laughing and pointing at me. I was traumatized. The librarian was as embarrassed as I was and I could tell by the look on her face that she felt bad.
Most of my time in elementary school was blurry, but those times were very clear. There are a few more regrettably memorable moments during those years. I’ll just save them for another day…
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