'Magic is what happens when the sun rises.'

Write a poem with this opening line. Consider the many possibilities of what this poem could explore.


magic is what happens when the sun rises when I get up out of bed change my clothes, brush my hair grab a quick breakfast and sit in the car my mind abuzz as the 10 minute drive feels like forever then I look for signs you’re already at school hope I see you in the halls I stop by my locker plan out what I’d do when I see you: make eye contact and smile but not like a creep not in a weird way just be normal I drop my backpack off in class then wander the halls looking for my friend while I think about this while I think about you and boom there you are we make eye contact and it’s magic I make some weird face because I’ve lost all control I forgot to smile but I probably did because the moment I see you my heart explodes for no good reason but magic it’s literally magic it’s crazy I’m crazy but it’s magic and I think I like this feeling I think I really do it’s magical
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