
[S.C, Bloodlines. CH 14]

[Jayden’s point of view]

Even within the water wall prison. It burned, his whole body on fire. Cleo was completing the pairing. Of course he’d known one day it was coming. Never expected it to be this painful or forced. It was like the air around and inside became fire.

Then it was gone….. all gone.

The universe had all stopped, Cleo’s tear filled eyes flashed for a second before she was gone. Taken by the witch.

Nela stumbled across the floor toward Amelya, stark naked. Jayden averted his eyes and took point on the doorway. Not looking back again. Yet he could hear her sobbing. But felt nothing.

[Amelya’s point of view]

Nela quickly came to her aide, scooping her up against warm flesh.

“Sorry, cloths are gone” Nela smiled trying to comfort the poor girl.

“Never had a naked girl this close before” Amelya tried to laugh but the tears wouldn’t stop.

Her neck throbbing, body in shock, heart aching for Cleo. She’d been stolen away.

A second later and they could hear Sapphire arguing with Jayden.

“Let her in!” Nela howled.

Sapphire had blood stained across her dress. She looked like a battle hardened child, yet she was older then all of them.

“What happened?” Sapphire’s eyes grew wide when she seen the nakedness of Nela and the crying eyes of Amelya. “Where did your clot-“

“His witch….” Jayden spoke in a harsh, cold tone.

“Cleo …” Amelya started to say.

“Was taken” Nela finished, standing up. “Can Quill bring me clothes?”

“The fight is hardly over. I just felt Amelya’s emotions and thought she was in trouble” Sapphire looked over at the girl. “We will get her back, but we need to survive this”

Nela was shifting and flying down the hallway past Jayden. Getting back into the fight.

“Are you gonna stay with her?” Sapphire looked over at Jayden.

He said nothing, just flashed away toward the battle. Leaving Sapphire standing a few feet away from Amelya.

“I can hear them…. They want us all dead” Amelya sat up, wiping her tears.

“I don’t wanna be here….. they aren’t monsters….” A boys thoughts crept into Amelya’s mind.

“I have to go out there!” Amelya shouted rushing toward the doorway.

Sapphire stopped her halfway, grabbing her by the arm. Her blue eyes trying to figure out why this girl wanted to go into battle now.

“Don’t get yourself killed” Sapphire tried to reason with her.

“There’s a hunter boy. Me and Cleo saved him. He’s out there now” Amelya pulled clear away, speeding toward the battle in a flash.

In the great room bodies still lay scattered across the floor. Yet there was no new blood. Outside she could hear the shouting, hear the thoughts of those dying, those fighting.

“Amelya wait!” Sapphire was behind her.

“Don’t get hurt or worse killed” Amelya was gone before the words left her mouth.

Outside the smell of blood hung in the air. Human and Vampires fought. She could see bodies from each side. The blood made her mouth water, yet it burned her eyes.

Then she felt his presence, the boy was ahead. Sliding in and out of small scuffles. A few cross bolts wizzing past her face. Humans with blades and swords, hand to hand fighting vampires.

Sampson, Monticello, and Warren all seemed locked in fights off to her left. Each of them already bathed in blood. The hunters had come with numbers.

“Get out of the battle “ Emeralds words echoed into her mind.

“The human boy” Amelya shouted back.

“Let him be, your blood is to sacred to sacrifice “

“No Cleo saved him” Amelya retorted.

“Then she can save him again. Without your help”

“She’s gone. Your father has her” Amelya was angry.

“Don’t get hurt” Emeralds voice faded.

Amelya was back in the battle, as if time had stopped for a few seconds. A man charging her with a blade in hand, anger and rage on his face.

Until a flash of blood exploded from his chest. Jayden stood to the man’s left side. Arm covered in the red substance.

“You have no reason to be out here. Go back inside” Jayden spat, taking out two more hunters. “Your not built for this.”

“I am!” Amelya shouted, focusing on the thoughts of everyone around her. Grabbing at the minds of the hunters.

The battle stopped in a second. Everyone of the men and woman hunters stopped dead in their tracks. Frozen in place, eyes the same white that Amelya’s turned.

“Stop !” Sapphire’s voice hardly penetrated the focus as Amelya sent them all to their knees.

“You will all be spared if you leave now!” Amelya’s voice had changed, it was lighter yet more mature sounding.

A man in the distance stood at the edge of the range watching in horror. All of his army was bowing to this girl.

“Men get ready!” The man shouted as more came out of the tree’s followed by two boys.

Newt was to the right of the head hunter, his bow wielding friend on the left.

“Crap” Newt mumbled to himself.

“Now go!” Amelya shouted, all the men and woman hunters woke up. Looking around at each other with fear in their eyes.

“No please!” One scrambled away back toward the man and the tree line. Dropping his sword on the way.

A few others followed suit. Then everyone running away. Yet the next line only watched in disbelief.

An arrow wizzed through the air, stopping just short of Amelya’s heart. Floating as if stopped by the hand of god himself.

“Jayden get her!” Sapphire shouted again. Running towards the her.

“Onward!” Quill shouted, a hunter sword in hand. The other Sapphire warriors following suit, standing between Amelya and the other hunters. While the last of the fleeing escaped.

“Lay down your swords. Go with them. You cannot win here and now” Amelya’s body lifted clear of the ground. The arrow snapped falling to the ground.

“Get her!” The man shouted as twice as many hunters started across the clearing.

Quill and his small battalion was ready. Taking them all down, blow by blow. It didn’t take much more. The boys were pushed out into the clearing,Father at their side.

“Send two more her way” The man commanded the boy with the bow.

With a quick sight and pull two arrows came down in front of Amelya. Still they were deflected by an unseen force.

“They are gonna kill us all” Newt thought to himself, watching the hunters fall left and right.

[Amelya’s subconscious]

“Kill them all” The words hung in the blackness, a light out in the distance. Fog hanging close to the ground.

“Noooo not that boy” Amelya’s voice didn’t leave her mouth, yet she heard it.

“The blood awakened me!” The female voice continued. “You are of my bloodline, you must not fall to these humans”

“We won’t. Who are you?”

“I am the witch who saved her children by giving them the darkness. Who created monsters in their father and my oldest son……” A woman in white appeared, only a few feet ahead of her.

Eyes a blinding sea green, hair the color of fresh wheat, skin a mocha color. Beautiful for sure. Amelya bowed to her as she floated before her.

“You were supposed to check the tablets in the crypt for Sapphire. I see you did not”

“It took a lot out of me….. to revive “

“Your on the right track. I’ll be here to help you, my power is ours.”

“How does that work?”

“Your of our bloodline….. I gave birth to the vampires… I gave life and blood to the wolves to protect the houses…. And blood to the witches to protect humans….. my second witch daughter gave blood to the humans to make hunters…..” She shook her head. “Love does funny things to you”

“Onyx has my pair…. She bonded and left willingly “

“Your pair is a girl. That’s very new” The woman danced a bit, letting her feet meet the black floor.

“Technically it was her and her brother…. But I just felt safer with her….” Amelya added honestly, looking at the ground.

“Do not be ashamed. You are who you are.”

“Will you help us…. Defeat Onyx?”

“I wasn’t there when he was taken down before…. My lover, the man I saved and made whole. Locked me away, then took my life”

“That’s terrible….”

“It was but I’ve long forgotten the sting of betrayal. But I refuse to let him harm our children any more” The woman smiled for a second and waved. “I am the mother of night, Nocturnal. Call me Nixcole”

[Battlefield outside the Sapphire sanctuary]

A flash of light brought her back, two more arrows flew in her direction. Only to be lost to the shield. She was still not in control just watching.

“Amelya!!” Jayden shouted as the last two arrows bounced away.

It happened so quickly, she nearly landed on her face. Nixole was gone, two arrows wizzed past her face as she hit ground.

She looked over at Jayden, dodging the next two arrows.

“Keep ‘em going” The head hunter shouted starting the advance with the handful of people left. Both kids ahead of him.

“What was that?” Jayden asked Amelya as she dodged a hunter and Jayden took him out.

“We’ll talk later” She said, sliding off toward Monticello and Sampson.

Who were in fact leading the advance toward the boys and the head hunter. The handful of vampires came to a crashing haunt as they met the line of hunters. Sampson took out two quickly, letting Monticello and Warren get past. They quickly went for the leader.

A cocky smile crossed his face, eyes watching the advance. Boys ready to take on anyone else who came forward.

“Hunter, hit the left one. Right leg” The guy spoke so smooth, like death wasn’t on the battlefield taking people one by one.

The arrow shot out the bow, hitting just short of Warrens right leg. Still they advanced, taking out another two hunters.

“Again!” Another arrow hit Warren square in the knee, sending him tumbling forward. Monticello didn’t blink, and continued forward.

Jayden and Amelya headed up the line. Racing against time. Sampson had just broken through the line. They jumped right over after, catching up to him in a flash.

Warren lay on the ground not one hundred feet in front of the trio. The boy to his right had an arrow ready, Newt on the left had a blade. Held tightly but shakily. The man in the middle just watching.

“We don’t have to do this” Amelya pleaded, watching Newt’s eyes move back to his fathers.

“Your monsters. We kill you” His voice cold and unafraid.

“So you’ll let them die for you?” Sampson was walking a bit closer to Warren. Monticello a bit to their right. Jayden standing in front of Amelya.

“We won’t be dying here” Before anyone could move a black handgun formed out of nothing in the man’s right hand. Two shots echoed across the clearing, everyone stood still.

Warren was gone, a black fire seemed to still be present burning away at what was left of his neck. Monticello dropped to the ground, the same fire burning away his left shoulder where his arm used to be.

“Die!” Sampson and Jayden leaped toward the man. Who stepped to the right. Sampson took down the boy hunter, tossing his bow away. Jayden went for the man, who side stepped again and fired two shots towards the two. Neither connected, both leaving black fire to burn the weeds and grass.

Amelya was quicker then Jayden, leaping she knocked Newt to the floor. Holding him to the ground, the blade falling to his left somewhere. He cried, she could feel his fear. His beating heart, fast lay pumping blood across his body more rapidly.

Jayden and Sampson continued to rush the man. Who sent three more shots their way and took off into the woods.

“He killed them…. Your friends” Newt cried out and Amelya didn’t let go. “I didn’t want to be here. They made me”

“Hush Newt. Your fine. I’ll protect you” Amelya looked over to her side as hunter picked up his bow. Aiming it at her back.

“Newt….. your gonna side with them. After all the hunters they killed?”

“Don’t please” Amelya cried out.

“Hunter don’t!” Newt cried out, only to see blood splatter forward from his friend. His mouth dropped, confused to the force and pain that had started to explode across his body.

Sapphire’s hand hung just outside the boys chest in front of him. Her hand covered in blood. He dropped to his knees…. Blood starting to slide from his lips.

Amelya rolled off of Newt, who quickly rushed to his friends side.

“I’m sorry he sobbed “ Amelya just put her arm on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

“Stand back!” Sapphire was looking at Newt, ready to attack.

“No, go after Sampson and Jayden” Amelya pointed to the woods as two more shots echoed through.

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