The Falls

Alexander sat at the falls, holding his drawing pad as he sketched a flower. This wasn’t anything new, he did this every afternoon during his lunch break. He would stop, looking up to stare at the waterfall. It billows and flows down the rocky mountainside, it soothing sound pulling him in, lulling him into sleep; which he did.

He wakes up, it being the dead of night. “God-“ He would scurry to a stand, running down toward the stream and hopping over. He now runs up the hill, climbing up and making his way to the parking lot. He looks up and down the rows of cars, trying to find his truck. However, there was no cars, rather there was someone. A man stood in the middle of the parking lot, his body wrapped in a trench coat and his face covered by a fedora.

“Uhhh..sir, what happened? Did you happen to see what happened to all the cars?”

“They’re not long gone, Alex. Rather, your long gone.”

“What.. do you mean?”

“You passed on, my boy.”

“Your pulling my leg, man. Come on, just tell me you don’t know.”

The man would sigh, pulling off his fedora and revealing the exposed skull.

“You think I’m still pullin’ it, son? Come on, let’s take a walk.”

Alexander could barely move, but for some reason, he started to walk. His body moved on his own with Death, following him side by side.

“So I know you got some questions, and they’ll be answered in good time, but for now we gotta hit the road.”

Death would snap, and they would both appear at The Gates of Heaven.

“You been a good boy, Alex. God told me to bring you up and go ‘n meet ‘em.”

Alex would be at a loss for words, the beauty of the gates and the events going on having stunted his mind from thinking anything.

“W-what about my family?”

“They’ll keep living, keep loving, keep crying, until they eventually come here.”

“That’s..oddly comforting.”

“That’s the thing, Death isn’t something to mourn, rather something that just happens.”

Alex would nod, before walking into The Gates.

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