Submitted by Ash
Write a story where a famous person becomes obsessed with you.
The reason could be anything, or not even stated, but someone with notoriety becomes obsessed with you. Write the story from you or your character's viewpoint.
new story ideas
NOTE - Long character descriptions. I promise there’s a story somewhere— also, this is just like a block of the scene, I’m considering creating this into a long short story. **so incredibly messy, this story is.** This will be edited, because the idea is so much fun, but for now, enjoy.
Huntyr Livingston - famous singer and bassist in the band “Livings 4 the Pour” with his brother, Crews, and their so-close-might-as-well-be-their-sister- friend Maya Pouridges. About 17 years of age, 6’2”, laidback, ladies man, arrogant (according to a certain someone), careless, etc.
Crews Livingston - famous singer and lead guitarist in “Livings 4 the Pour” or L4 as they refer to it as. Very kind, 17 years of age (twins with Huntyr), 6’0”, control freak, likes joking around, bit awkward, etc.
Maya Pouridges - famous drummer and singer in L4, known for her mix with the boys’ voices. She has a brother-sister relationship with the two of them. A good judgement of character, fair, logical, intelligent, doesn’t take “crap,” 16 years of age, “bad girl, good grades” vibe, 5’11”, talks a lot, etc.
**yes I made them all super tall, now short character**
Jasmine Felle - quiet violinist who’s been writing some songs lately and recently met, with her skillful, clumsy demeanor, Maya Pouridges, who instantly intrigued her. And this was before she found out which band she played for. 17 years of age, violinist, clumsy, intelligent, talented, easily distracted, people-pleaser, quiet, insanely awkward, 5’4”, short as can be, writes poetry in her free time, insanely trusting she might as well be offering her life to a murderer…
**Jaz or Maya might be my favorite characters… BUUT, STORY TIME!**
My shoulder slams forward into another shoulder as I reach down to grab my backpack. Quickly, I start mumbling apologies, before I even look up at the person.
“I’m so sorry—”
Almost immediately, my eyes dart up as I jolt back from the contact.
Where do I recognize her from?
Why is she so tall?
“It’s alright,” the ‘stranger’ says with a chuckle, bending down a tad to grab both of our luggage, “hey, I like your backpack.”
I glance down at the backpack between us. It’s a simple, yet beautiful, in my opinion, backpack with flowers painted on the sides. A wave of reality sets back in on me as I hear the announcer speaking about another train.
Why are there so many people here? My eyes flick around several areas of the train station, with people bustling around trying to get to their workplace or getaway or whatever else.
It takes me a second, and a look from the stranger, to realize I’m in a conversation still.
“Thank you,” I reply shakily, attempting to make eye contact with her, but failing miserably.
Why is my social anxiety like this?
“Hey, you okay?”
I finally manage eye contact.
“Yeah, just a bit nervous.”
“Social anxiety?” The stranger guesses, throwing her own backpack over her shoulder. “My best friends used to have that. Crews still has it, but Huntyr kind of just ran away from it and faked it till he made it.” An apologetic look crossed her face, while I realize I must have a confused look on mine.
Where do I recognize those names?
“Sorry, I tend to talk a lot.”
I shake my head with a small smile, “that’s okay. I prefer it when my friends talk a lot.”
“Do you want to be friends?”
My smile spreads into a full on grin.
“I’d love that.”
“Okay. My name’s Maya, you may call me Mays or Maya.”
“I’m Jasmine.”
“Boys! I brought home a friend,” Maya shouts, to assumingly her brothers or… I don’t know who else they could be. We’re _teenagers_, here.
Footfalls make their way down the stairs, as I glance over at Maya, who has a lazy grin on her face.
And I see why as the _boys_ in reference appear.
I clutch my violin case handle tighter.
One of them has dirty blonde hair and gorgeous brown eyes, and a smile to light up the whole room. His confidence is so high, I swear he can fly.
The other one has darker hair, falling into an almost black color that’s splayed across this face. He has this light blue eyes that hold a sense of mystery behind them, but he hides a bit behind his hoodie.
“Who’s the cutie?” the blonde asks, his eyes capturing mine. He must love eye contact.
Blood rushes to my face as I process what he said. _Cutie_?
“Oh, come on, Huntyr,” the blue-eyed boy speaks, continuing down the stairs even further and pushing the blonde, Huntyr, out of the way. I notice Maya step back as both end up parading down to us.
As Blue Eyes stands in front of me, I realize just how tall he is. And Huntyr is stunningly tall as well.
He extends a hand as he shifts his weight.
I furrow my brow a bit.
“Sorry-“ Blue Eyes face palms himself before straightening his posture. “That’s my name. I’m Crews.”
“I’m Jasmine,” I reply, smiling a bit at the awkwardness.
“Huntyr.” The dirty blonde adds as I fix my gaze over to him, almost impossible considering it’s Crews who’s right in front of me.
I throw a smirk his way.
“I figured that out.”
Just to receive one right back.
“Ah. You a fan?”
A scoff escapes me. “A fan? Of what? Your hair?”
“You know what I’m talking about.”
“I really don’t.”
I’m now right in front of Huntyr, staring him dead in the eyes. I lean forward as a challenge.
“Now what were you talking about?”
_Social anxiety? What is that_?
Maya jumps in smoothly, adjusting her posture and throwing her hands between us.
“Okay, Jaz. We agreed you could stay the night, just tonight, and I figured you’d be okay sharing my room?”
I nod, but my heart’s oddly still racing.
_What for_?
“That’s alright with me.”
“I have a ginormous loveseat in there I’ll sleep on, and you can have the bed,” Maya explains, jostling my suitcase away from me.
As we head up the stairs, I can’t help but glance at the two boys.
Why are they both so attractive?