The protagonist is in the middle of a business meeting, when they suddenly remember something unrelated, but of vital importance.

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forgetting important stuff

“While we do have a safety net if something goes wrong, there’s no guarantee that…” “Please excuse me for a second.” Xena smiled, receiving a few nods in response. She left the room, glancing left and right before heading straight to the bathroom. She reached for her bag… Only to find air. Darn! She had stuff she needed in there! Xena quickly rushed back to the room, her eyes darting around awkwardly when she grabbed her bag. At least half of everyone there were staring at her blatantly, whether in annoyance or suspicion. She exited the room swiftly, letting out a breath of relief. “Finally! I thought I would die of shame on the spot!” She laughed. “I’m glad I got that over wi…” Xena scowled, her eyes widening as she dug through her bag. Oh no! Where was it? She must have forgotten in the rush to get to the meeting on time… Xena groaned, tugging at the ends of her hair. What could be worse than forgetting to bring pads?
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