A Way With Words.

Rea stood under the shade of a Yew, shifting her weight from foot to foot. The smell of woods moss, dirt and rotting leaves wrapped around her, the only noise were of the animals settling in for the night her only company as she waited.

“Come on, come on where are they?” Rea muttered as anxiety bloomed in her stomach.

A snap of a twig to the West had her whirling to face the noise, she slipped into the shadows of the Yew scanning her surroundings.

“Rea?” A male voice called, thankfully one she recognised.

“What have I said about calling me by name? Anyone could have intercepted our messages, and they would now know I was involved!” Exasperated she stomped over the roots coming face to face with Aaron.

“Right, yeah sorry.” Aaron muttered whilst running a hand through his golden curls.

He did resemble a cherub his blue eyes and curls making him look almost angelic. Rea supposed it was why hed managed to get away with half of the things he had done. Though he had the face of an angel he had the body of a solider honed, solid and sharp.

“Why is there only you? Where is Seth?”

Rea looked at him as he opened a closed his mouth.

“You look like a fish, what happened?” She barked panic rising.

“Well when you said take care of it…” Aarons voice trailed off.

“I meant get him out so he doesnt break in interrogation.” Rea snapped

“So what happened?”

Her heart slowly sank, surely he hadnt.

“On the plus side we dont have to worry about him talking.” He said almost to himself.

“Please, please tell me this is a wild joke and that he’s hidden somewhere. Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.” Rea pinches the bridge of her nose to relieve the headache that had begun.

“Okay relax it’s not that bad and as far as anyone know’s he died of the wounds inflicted during the first round of questioning.” Aaron said holding his hands up as if he hadnt just killed Seth.

“What is wrong with you? Murder isn’t always the answer!” She snapped.

Did he not get it, they were sent to extract not terminate.

“Why are you so wound up? Either way he doesn’t speak and we remain undectected” He moves around her to sit against the tree.

“No one knew we were going to get him out anyway.” Aaron looked up at her as she raked her hand through her hair harder then necessary.

“Who do you think asked for our help you idiot?!” Rea seethed.

Aarons face finally showed some emotion.

“Who hired us?” He breathed.

“The Lord of White Bridge, he will never stop hunting us, he has the money, resources and man power.” Rea’s mouth went dry.

“You just signed both our death warrants.”

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