Me, But Not Really

The sound of my heeled footsteps echo through the empty halls of Fairview High. It’s a Saturday, so not many others are here, mostly custodians and teacher like me trying to catch up on ungraded tests. They honestly could be done at home but sometimes it’s nice to get away, there are to many distractions to be had at home.

The hall is wide, lined with blue lockers littered with various posters depicting teamwork and motivational phrases on the walls. Classroom doors are spotted through out the lockers and I can see mine only just a head. The door is slightly ajar, which is odd, I always lock it. I slow my steps, feeling a little apprehensive. Looking back up the hall I just came from to see it’s still empty. I shake my head feeling ridiculous, a janitor probably came by and cleaned it and probably forgot to lock it. The sound of typing stops me thought, from fully pushing the door open, there’s someone inside. With a creased brow I peak inside, and try with all my might not to gasp loudly, not wanting to alert the figure sitting at my desk. Thankfully the typing continues and I take a moment to look at this person. To my horror the figure looks just like me, down to the messy bun atop my head, my jacket with the same fray on the right cuff, right down to my favorite pair of heels peaking from under the desk. My heart skyrockets as the woman, who is me, but also is not, turns and makes eye contact. I can barley breath as she stares right though me. Then a hand falls onto my shoulder and I can’t stop myself from shrieking loudly.

“Woah woah” the man connected to the hand says raising his hands in surrender. With my hand over my rapidly beating heart I turn and see Jonah, the school’s history teacher. Probably here for the same reason I am and just happened on me staring into my office like I’ve lost it.

“Oh, hey Jonah, you scared the life out of me.” I mumbled embarrassed beyond belief.

“Yea sorry about that” he chuckles running a hand through his chestnut hair then looks to my office door which still lays ajar.

“What were you doing? If you don’t mind my asking” I turn back to the door and peak inside and to my astonishment, it’s empty. Nothing out of place, even the chair is fully pushed in. I feel like I’m going insane. I shake my head to clear my racing thoughts.

“Oh um, nothing, I thought I saw someone, but I think it was just my imagination” I turn to him with a smile and I can feel my cheeks warm.

“Just means I need to get more sleep” I laugh and fold my hands in front of me, mostly because I don’t know what to do with them.

“I hear you on that, I came in to finish up some last minute tests.” He smiles and pats my shoulder as he starts making his way around me.

“See you later!” He waves and I return it over my shoulder.

Now that my heart rate is slowed to normal, for the most part I turn back to my door. I still feel nervous to go in, I’ve been tired before but never to the point of hallucinating. I finally decide that whatever it was, it had to be a fluke or trick of the light. I push the door fully open to my empty office, leaving the door open and telling myself it’s not because I’m scared, I make my way around my desk. I plop into the chair ungracefully and test the mouse to see if my computer is really off or just asleep. To my dismay the screen blinks on with a swipe of the mouse, the screen shows a window open containing my email. I shake my head confused, I know I turned this off yesterday on my way out. There was a pop up with a newly composed email, it was cc’d to everyone in the faculty. I feel myself grow cold at the contents, this email was full of horribly inappropriate pictures There were many and a lot of them are with men I have no recollection of. I know I never took any of these x-rated selfies, in reality I consider myself quite boring. The only good thing is that it hasn’t been sent yet, I quickly draw the mouse up to the little trash icon and press it. It does nothing, I try again, still nothing. Then the creaking of my door freezes me in my spot. Slowly looking up I see her. Me, but not really. She’s standing behind the door, slowly closing it shut. It locks into place with a resounding click, and my heart stutters.

The mirrored women walks slowly towards me, her heels echoing in the small room. She stops just on the other side of my desk and bends at the waist and smiles at me. It’s looks off, for the first time she doesn’t look exactly like me, her smile is too wide, curling at the edges. Her arm comes forward and I can’t get myself to move an inch. I can’t stop staring into her eyes, it feels like I’m being pulled into a endless void of darkness and despair.

Then there’s another click and she’s gone and I can move again, breath again. My breath comes out shaky and my eyes well with tears. I can feel a thin film of sweat covering my entire body. I run my hands over my face and rub my eyes to wipe away the almost tears.

I blink and slowly try to ground myself, but it’s useless because the moment I look at the screen again my heart stops. The large box that once held the composed email, is now empty except for one word, sent.

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