The After Party.

Write a story that begins just after a big party has finished.

We’re Screwed

Hearing a loud bang, I ran down stairs, almost tripping on the bottom step. No. I take that back almost tripping on a red plastic cup. I lifted my eyes slowly, dread shining across my features. What had she done. My older sister was sitting on a chair in the family room completely intoxicated. “Oh. Hey… did I ever tell you how pre-,” she trailed off, looking else where. She had done it again. Mom and dad were constantly taking trips leaving her in charge, saying that we were, “ old enough to handle the house by ourselves responsibly.” At least they were half right, one of us was. My sister started giggling, honestly after a few seconds of it, she started to freak me out. “Hehe…. The party was sooooooooo….,” my sister closed her eyes almost becoming unconscious but pulling herself back, “fricking awesome.” I took a deep breath but regretted it as soon as I did, taking in a big whiff of beer and weed. Coughing, I examined the room more. Red cups were everywhere accompanied by liquid that only the Lord knew the origin of. As soon as I started to pick of the cups and trash around the house, I heard a car engine. I looked out the window and saw our parents car. It was official. We were screwed.

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