Write a poem, in any style, that focuses on the theme of loss.
Brother Dearest
I remember the wagon
And the hill you let go on
The group home we hated
When we were toddlers
I remember the foster family
Where I slept on the floor
You snuck out of your room
Then opened the door
Just put your finger in it
I did as I was told
The day I found out
Electricity felt cold
Do you remember
The burgundy car
And the blanket of wool
The long black curls
Our social worker had
When she told us the rules
The secrets I whispered
Deep in your ear
Too afraid to talk
Because our life was built on fear
If you remember all this
Then why did you choose
To take the path that leads us here
The only family we have
After the warnings from doctors
You decided you'd still use
Do the drugs matter more
Then the blood in our veins?
Out of eleven kids, we're all that remains
I've spent days crying
Asking the universe why
With a liver like that
You won't last through July