‘Softness is to anger what rain brings to snow.’

What does this line make you think of? Write a poem structured and themed around this line, so that it fits in naturally.

Cold Love

The rain hides away your tears

While the Snow embraces it

The sorrowful sadness is washed away by the rain

In small droplets, the tears cling to your chin,

But the rain will not allow this disobedience

That is how most people are,

They see your tears

But they quickly wipe it away

And they offer you short words of comfort

‘Things will get better.’ ‘Don’t worry’ ‘look at the bright side…’

And soon, the words of comfort cause the tears to fall

They offer you a hand out

But soon they quickly sigh, as your tears soak their shoulders

They don’t want to deal with the ‘stress

Of dealing with your sadness’

But once the rain ends,

And once they leave

The ocean of tears build up within your eyes

But the dearest Snow

It freezes your tears

And it embraces your pain

It gives you a warm hug

The hug is cold in touch but the emotions are warm in love

The sincerity in the hug melts your heart

And the Snow softly whispers

‘Things won’t get better…but I’ll be here. Two is always better than one. So, rely on me, whenever you can. I can’t carry your burden but I’ll embrace all your pain, your mistakes and your worries. So, just do the same to me and don’t give up.’

The Snow doesn’t offer a hand out , it instead offers a hand up.

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