Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Not Today

The mosquito hovering with its pesky stinger was ignored. Normally the reaction to one of those or any bug would warrant calls for SWAT to show up. Not today. Today the grass smells sweeter and the rain drops are welcomed to plop on top of heads. The energy is big as the excitement on New Year’s Eve. The smiles radiate from face to face stories being exchanged like ping pong balls. Laughter burst through like rumbles of thunder loud and uncontrollable. Theres a warmth in the atmosphere not to the touch but of the spirit. The hand strikes three and the scene turns gray. Time has come to share our good byes. The little sad voices of the younger ones don’t understand, why stop this lovely afternoon with family and friends it’s a better time than having ten ice cream sundaes with extra marshmallows. Their little eyes fill with ocean water and out pour streams of disappointment. Here comes the question “can we please stay?” I’m so sorry honey but not today.

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