Inspired by J.R. Watson
Your protagonist returns to regular life after being in hospital for months.
Think about what this character might struggle with, or how their perspectived and priorities might have changed.
The alarm went off. My room was still dark. Five thirty in the morning. Get my feet on the floor and get into the shower.
Do I really need to go back to work this morning? It’s been six months since the accident, since I had a life.
How do I pick things back up? Fine, I still have my job which is miraculous. Most employers would have thrown me off the books so I should be grateful. I just feel like I’m not the same person they hired and I’m not sure I’m up to doing the work anymore.
I still have some lingering pain but that’s to be expected. It’s still a miracle that I survived the accident and I’m thankful I have no memory of it.
Three days after, I woke up in the ICU, tubes everywhere. Broken leg, broken ankle, ribs, arm and more. When I finally was able to see myself, I looked like an alien.
Now, I feel like one. An alien in my own life.
Just getting dressed in my work clothes seems odd. Thinking about getting in my car brings up a flood of panic. I managed to do a dry run on Sunday but the whole way home my hands shook so hard, I could barely steer the car.
The therapist said to take each moment as it comes. It’s not so easy. Still, try I must. Re-entry is a bitch.
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